
I have become extremely stressed

I have become extremely stressed,
Always rehearsing to be first
For a simple scansion test.
Professor will be so impressed,
If I master all rhyme and verse.
I have become extremely stressed.
Obsession is hard to suppress.
I will contest, curse and coerce,
For a simple scansion test.
But what does the message express?
Why can’t poets simply converse?
I have become extremely stressed.
I can only guess. (trochaic?)
This foot will be my hearse (iambs?)
For a simple scansion test.
My breast bursts cardiac arrest (I feel distressed, suppressed, unexpressed)
I feel entirely submersed.
I have become extremely (unstressed stressed unstressed) stressed
For a simple scansion test.


Mycobacterium leprae

I was born with multibacillary leprosy.
Four hundred eleven thousand and thirteen people in the world have some form of leprosy, last they counted.
Of those four hundred and eleven thousand and thirteen, I am the only one born with it. Leprosy is not supposed to be hereditary.
I am completely, and utterly alone.


Word Cloud of my Twitter

Since signing up for Twitter in 2008, I’ve tweeted 1936 times.
That’s 22,385 total words and 4790 unique words.
You can see a word cloud I created of my Twitter archive above. So what do I tweet about?